When planning a trade fair, it is essential not to lose sight of what a fair trade appearance is primarily about, in addition to preparing the stand: personal communication and interaction. A suitable trade appearance rises and falls with the stand staff, and it is essential to set a few guidelines in advance so that everyone pulls together.

Well-groomed appearance as A and O

A well-groomed appearance does not start with clothing but with personal hygiene: Fresh breath is obligatory – if possible, avoid the extra portion of garlic or onions the night before. Perfume and aftershave should be used discreetly, and too much can quickly become obtrusive. Arrive rested at the stand; stressed people convey this to the visitors. People from around the world participating and choosing the right exhibition stand and design company in Dubai.

Attentive and friendly

A friendly demeanor at the fair trade stand works wonders because a smile is much more open and sociable than a wrinkled forehead. Do not be afraid to approach visitors and passers-by, but avoid empty phrases and overly ambitious language (although the stand staff must be convinced of the products or services they are presenting, a visitor does not want to be showered with superlatives only in conversation).

Visitor-facing Behavior

A trade fair is about making new contacts, so its primary focus should be on the visitors. Hands in trouser pockets are a no-go as they signal disinterest. Cell phones and tablets should not be used on the stand (unless you intend to present something to customers). If a phone call cannot wait, then leave your mindset.

No formation of groups

Stand personnel standing together in small groups and chatting, possibly with their backs to the aisle, suggests they are busy and unprepared to talk. Many visitors do not want to disturb you, and you may miss an engaging new customer. If a more extended conversation cannot be avoided, it is better to use the corridor.

Dress code

With a dress code, they show a common corporate identity, and visitors can see more quickly who belongs to the stand personnel at your stand. It always depends on the fair trade environment and how you want to present yourself. At a very business-oriented fair, a suit and tie or suit and blouse are undoubtedly standard. At lifestyle fairs, you can act more freely and appear more casual. Establish a dress code that the stand staff will also feel comfortable in. It often helps to wear a standard color or a matching handkerchief. Presenting a corporate identity always inspires confidence in visitors.

No food at the booth

Eating meals at the booth is taboo as your booth is not a canteen. Of course, you can treat yourself to a piece of chocolate or a biscuit from time to time (since these are also available for visitors in most cases), but a quiet spot away from the stand should be found for larger meals.

However, a trade fair should also give you pleasure, so last but not least: don’t be superficial in your behavior. Act natural. In this way, you will also be able to draw the most significant benefit from the fair trade days.

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