Between half and a kilo per week if you follow the menus that are proposed and the recommendations to avoid the dreaded rebound effect at the end of it.

Of course, before starting this diet to lose weight quickly and effectively, you must make sure that it is suitable for you, since it is a plan that seeks to consume fewer calories than the body requires to function, without subjecting it to Excessive calorie restriction that can lead to health problems. Do you want to know what the hypocaloric diet is and how to do it ? Next, in aHOWTO, we give you all the tips so that you can lose weight with this low-calorie diet. Take note!

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What is a hypocaloric diet

There are many diets and they all have the same goal: to help you lose weight. The hypocaloric diet consists of consuming fewer calories than your body needs to function .

As you know, our body uses calories as fuel to stay alive and functioning, that is, to be able to keep our organs active and cover our daily physical activity. However, on many occasions we eat more calories than our body needs and, if they are not burned properly, weight gain can occur.

The hypocaloric diet seeks to restrict calories in order to lose weight, while still giving your body the basic calories it requires .

How many calories do we need per day?

If you are wondering how to do a hypocaloric diet, the first thing is to determine how many calories you need per day. To do this, there is a simple formula : if you are between 30 and 60 years old, you must multiply your weight by 8.7 and add 829 to it, so you will get the number of daily calories you should consume. If you are over 60 years old, you must multiply your weight by 10.5 and add 596.

Example : if you weigh 65 kg and you are 35 years old, you must do the following calculation: 65 x 8.7 + 829 = 1,394kcal

Since the objective of the hypocaloric diet is to reduce the consumption of calories, in the event that the result was 1,394, you should make a meal plan that does not exceed 1,200 calories per day. This is the limit that you should mark yourself and it can never be less, because an excessive caloric restriction can cause the body to lower its caloric expenditure, but you will not be able to lose weight, you will only be more hungry.

On the other hand, if you are a person who does a lot of intense and regular exercise, combined with muscular work and cardiovascular activities, you will be able to increase the number of calories consumed, since your body will need more fuel to burn.

To make this first step easier for you, we recommend using our Calorie Calculator – Find out how many calories you burn .

How to do the hypocaloric diet

Now that you know what a hypocaloric diet is, it will be easier for you to do it, you will see that it is very simple. However, you should know that not all calories count the same : 100kcal of avocado is not the same as 100kcal of sugar. Next, I will tell you what foods to avoid in a hypocaloric diet and what are the ones that you can consume:

What not to eat in a hypocaloric diet?

In this sense, you should know that there are foods that provide empty calories, that is, only calories, without any other content of micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). These types of foods are usually those rich in sugar and you should avoid them, just as you should avoid ultra-processed products , rich in fat, sugar , salt and additives.

Also, the construction of a hypocaloric diet should not lead you to the consumption of light foods . Products are considered light when they have 30% fewer calories than their reference food, but that does not mean that they do not have calories and, therefore, that they do not make you fat.

What can you eat on a hypocaloric diet?

It is best to bet on natural foods that contain fewer calories than any other light processed. Now that you know the basis of the hypocaloric diet, it’s time to build an eating plan based on calorie restriction and whose foods are mainly varied, balanced and Mediterranean (fruit, vegetables, fish, meat, eggs…) , all fresh food.

Here I show you several examples of hypocaloric diet menus so that you have a choice.

Hypocaloric diet menu: example 1

  • Breakfast : 40 grams of cereals + 1 glass of skimmed milk. Black coffee or infusion.
  • Mid-morning : 20 grams of bread + 60 grams of York ham. Black coffee or infusion.
  • Lunch : 150 grams of boiled or steamed cauliflower + 75 grams of roast chicken + 100 grams of potatoes + 20 grams of bread + 200 grams of natural pineapple.
  • Snack : 15 grams of cookies. Coffee with 100ml of skimmed milk or infusion.
  • Dinner : 200 ml of fat-free consommé seasoned with 15 grams of noodles + 50 grams of grilled beef with 150 grams of lettuce, 75 grams of tomato and 15 grams of onion + 20 grams of bread + 160 grams of apple.

Hypocaloric diet menu: example 2

  • Breakfast : 40 grams of bread with half a tablespoon of olive oil + 1 glass of skimmed milk with coffee.
  • Mid-morning : 20 grams of bread + 60 grams of canned mackerel or natural tuna. Black coffee or infusion.
  • Lunch : 150 grams of mixed salad + 115 grams of grilled fish with 100 grams of cooked potato + 20 grams of bread + 200 grams of peach.
  • Snack : 15 grams of muesli + 1 skimmed yogurt. Black coffee or infusion.
  • Dinner : 120 grams of cream of peas + 1 egg on the plate + 100 grams of sautéed artichokes + 400 grams of watermelon.

Hypocaloric diet menu: example 3

  • Breakfast : 2 low-fat yogurts + 30 grams of cookies. Black coffee or infusion.
  • Mid-morning : 14 grams of biscuits + 40 grams of low-fat creamy fresh cheese. Black coffee or infusion.
  • Lunch : 30 grams of pasta with natural tomato sauce (100 g of tomato + 15 g of onion) with 75 grams of minced meat + 20 grams of bread + 200 grams of peach.
  • Snack : 20 grams of bread with 50 grams of fresh cheese. Black coffee or infusion.
  • Dinner : 100 grams of mashed potatoes + 75 grams of trout with 100 grams of leeks and 50 grams of baked onion + 100 grams of mango.

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